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Made For Entrepreneurs 

Pay Yourself First is a podcast made by entrepreneurs, for entrepreneurs. In each episode I interview a different business owner and find out where they're at in their biz, talk some of their biggest wins and challenges, and find out what has worked - and hasn't - as they build towards financial freedom.
Let's get real, you went into business for yourself to be your own boss, have massive impact, reclaim your time and more - but almost definitely not because you just love business finance mastery. If you're like most founders, you were taught little to nothing, and had to learn it along the way.

Join A Like-Minded Community

Being an entrepreneur can often be a lonely calling. Our friends and family don't understand us, our employees and customers have no clue what it's really like. That's why it's crucial to surround yourself with a community of other business owners, hear their stories, learn from them. 


From deciding how to allocate capital once it comes in, the challenges of growing and scaling, or knowing when - and how - to hire, we dive deep into building a business and using it to create financial freedom. Best of all, I get business owners to dish on exactly what financial freedom means to them.

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