New Earth Now Meditation #1


Will You Be Ready When             The Shift Hits The Fan?


If you feel you've awoken into a world gone mad, straddling different densities as you attend to life in the 3D while building and preparing in 5D, you're not alone.

I've made this meditation for you, and everyone else who is ready and willing to assist in the shift. Another world is possible, and in this meditation, we connect to the full and indiminishable abundance of that realm.

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The Ascension Protocols 6 Step System:


Develop Self Awareness

So much of what. makes the person we are, and the life we lead, comes from our subconscious and our nervous system. Only by taking the time to become aware of what's going on within ourselves can we discover the needed transformation.


Challenge Personal Beliefs

We make our identities around the beliefs that we hold. Once we've recognized the limiting beliefs keeping us from constructing the reality we desire, we must examine them with a new awareness.


Heal Emotional Wounding

Letting go of emotional wounding frees stuck energy in our nervous system, and releases us from the prison of negative thought patters. 


Take Radical Responsibility

Taking radical responsibility re-empowers you. You may not be in control of everything that happens in your life, yet when you take responsibility for what you create, amazing shifts are possible.


Practice Forgiveness And Compassion

We forgive to free ourselves, we practice compassion so that others may be free. Forgiving yourself and others, and practicing compassion, acknowledges that each person is constantly doing the best that their identity allows them to be


Cultivate Gratitude And Connection

Giving thanks for what we already have signals to the universe our readiness to receive what we desire. When we connect to others we fulfill our desire to be one with source energy. 


Connect To Source

Download my New Earth Now guided meditation #1 and I'll assist you in integrating and embodying New Earth codes meant to anchor in the Ultimate Abundance of this new realm.


Get The Meditation Now