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The Abundantly Infinite Entrepreneur

Financial freedom for yourself from your business! Relax and revel in a magnificent feeling of abundance...

knowing that you are fully empowered, supported and thriving 

Sign up by Friday, September 27, 2024 11:55pmEDT!


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Jolly Is

Abundantly Infinite

Financial freedom for yourself from your business! Relax and revel in a magnificent feeling of abundance...

Knowing that you are fully capable, responsible and supported.  


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Financial Freedom and Literacy Training for Entrepreneurs who are making money, and want to know what to do with it.



Financial Freedom and Literacy Training for Entrepreneurs who are making money, and want to know what to do with it.


Using my Pay Yourself First signature system we create your Financial Freedom Treasure Map, an individualized roadmap for your business and personal finance to help you consistently and confidently execute on your plan.  

So that you can confidently build towards financial freedom even if you'd rather run screaming from the room than open your account book.

What if you could master the habits and techniques that give you a powerful experience of abundance, get you to financial freedom faster and ensure you build a profitable business for years to come? Any business owner can...but most won't. Why?

Tap Into True Money Mastery

This is The Abundantly Infinite Entrepreneur, helping business owners tap into their true money mastery through deprogramming, repatterning, deep embodiment work, the power of financial literacy and fun!

This course covers everything you need to know about business and personal finances, and will set you on the path to creating financial freedom for yourself, from your business--whatever that means to you.

Made By Entrepreneurs

Money mindset and financial freedom training for entrepreneurs, made by entrepreneurs; not accountants--people who have been there before, and know what you're going through. AIE combines the fundamentals of financial literacy with practices designed to remove layers of limiting beliefs and negative conditioning from the body/mind.

Collapse Your Timeline

You could do all of this the hard way--the lessons are out there---learning all you need to know about personal and business finance, and investing (and probably a bunch of other stuff you don't need to know, or that is outright wrong); then you could distill all that down into an easy to follow system, and provide yourself with the accountability to make sure you follow it--but do you really want to? Is that what really lights you up inside? Is that a picture of you living your purpose?

Or...would you rather take advantage of those that have been there before, and collapse your timeline, doing in months and years what might otherwise take you years and decades?

What holds most people back?

I've noticed in my conversations with entrepreneurs that what keeps a lot of business owners from financial literacy and moving towards financial freedom is the belief that learning it seems complicated and time-consuming. You’ve already got enough stress in your life...why make finances one more thing that you need to work on?

Or maybe you're already doing fairly well in your business, so what’s the big deal?


You won’t have to learn any complex formulas, hard to understand investments and strategies, difficult concepts, or spend 20 hours a week bent over a calculator.


It's Complicated

This is the number one complaint about investing and finances in general--that it's complicated. The truth is that while it can be complicated, it doesn't have to be, and most of what you need to know to plan for your present, and your future, your business, and your personal life, can be learned by anyone.

Between your business finances, your own financial picture, learning about investments, taking trainings like this, following the market, confidently running a P & L--it can be both confusing and overwhelming at times--especially if you aren't 100% sure what you are doing!

We eschew all the jargon and clunky formulas and distill things down exactly what you need, no more, no less, so that you can confidently execute or delegate key business financial tasks.

Who to Listen to/Trust

I get it--there's a lot of conflicting advice out there. One expert says do this, the next tells you to do the exact opposite. Should you go all in on digital assets like Bitcoin and Ethereum, or are they too risky to touch? Allow your broker to pick stocks for you, or put your retirement funds into a low touch index fund?

You want to make sure you're putting your money somewhere safe. Plus investment strategies are often confusing, and not tailored to your specific situation. You don't have to become an investment guru to do well.

You just get to learn a handful of basic strategies that have been demonstrated over time to work consistently, and then get support to hold yourself accountable to exercising those strategies.

Hard to Predict Revenue

If you're like a lot of the business owners I talk to your revenue can vary greatly from month to month, seasonally or is centered around product launches and events. You need strategies for smooth cash flow and to make sure you're hitting your own personal investing goals through it all.

You don't have to nail every monthly projection, or have some sort of picture-perfect revenue chart.

You DO get to intelligently anticipate and work with the flows of your business and make sure you're prepared for a variety of outcomes.

Not a Numbers Person

I hear this a ton! Maybe you're not a math person, or you get overwhelmed by figures, rows of data and equations--that's ok, people's brains work in different ways.

You don't have to have aced differential calculus to understand and implement a winning financial plan for your self and business.

You just got to get to the heart of what matters, and that's comprised of only a few key concepts and tools that anybody can learn to understand and implement, without being a math wiz.

I Pay Someone Else to Worry About This

If you're with me thus far then you probably know that understanding your business finances is so much more than filing your taxes.

Even if you have an accountant, retirement planner, fiduciary advisor, and every other pro in the book at your disposal, as the business owner, it's YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to understand what is going on with your business because in the end you'll be the one to make the important choices about what to do with your enterprise.

Implementing and actually using a system that is based in consistent practice and awareness around your finances means that you'll be in charge of your business so you can make sure you PAY YOURSELF FIRST.

Hi there,

I'm Jolly...

a serial entrepreneur, business finance empowerment coach, and financial literacy fanatic. I’ve helped people from all walks of life, circumstances and starting points make sense of their money madness and trained them in these financial freedom practices that create more space, confidence, and abundance.

I've been where you've been before, attempting to build and scale a business, while also learning how to run a business, knowing that I need to be on top of my finances as an entrepreneur, but not sure what that looked like exactly. Not just once, but twice, I was the 1 in 3 business owners who saved nothing at all of what they earned for retirement, and knew zilch about financial literacy.

This launched me on a journey of discovery that has led me through more than 100 finance, money and investing titles, slews of courses, workshops and seminars, inspired me to write my own book about it, and turned me into a 'pay yourself first' entrepreneur who consistently invests, has set goals and solid financial plans, all which now helps me assist other entrepreneurs to find financial literacy and freedom for themselves.

My biggest mission is to help entrepreneurs like you receive the clearest training available in financial literacy and business finance/financial planning in a way that is accessible and easy to grasp.

Because not only are financially literate and empowered business owners more likely to succeed and stay in business longer but...

They make more money,

They hire more people,

They contribute more to the community,

They lead better lives.

If you are ready to receive all these things for yourself, then you've come to the right place...

You'll learn to master

  • Basic to advanced financial literacy

  • Financial Planning, goal setting, achievement

  • Making major financial decisions


  • Paying yourself first

  • Asset classes and investing

  • Money mindset

  • Techniques to rewire your nervous system


  • Replacing limiting beliefs with self affirming ones

  • Setting up corporate structures/accounting systems

  • P&L and other business reports


What will this training show you how to do?

  • Become confident and knowledgable in matters of financial literacy, both personal and business
  • Learn to pay yourself first and build towards financial freedom, whatever happens in your business
  • Easily create, read and analyze financial statements
  • Understanding pricing and profits
  • Calculate and quantify what you need to live your version of financial freedom
  • Managing costs and inventory
  • Identify and eliminate subconscious beliefs and reprogram your mind for success
  • Master the three types of income
  • Create and implement short, medium, and long term financial planning

But even more importantly, it will focus on liberating you to be the financially free Abundantly Infinite Entrepreneur that's always been within you.  

After all, it's one thing to make a little more money, but it's totally another for you to show up in your business and life present, centered and fully financially empowered as your abundantly infinite self.

Instead of giving you tons of affirmations and positive thinking practices, we’ll be diving deep into the tools that will allow you to release what ever holds you back—mentally, physically and emotionally...unlocking the true financially free entrepreneur within.
I’ll give you the training that allows you to remove anything in the way of the deepest, most real expression of your abundant self.


Because, let’s be honest—

Financial Freedom means something totally different for each person.

And trying to teach you to live by someone else's definition of wealth is inauthentic and limiting.

I’d rather show you how to express the meaning of financial freedom as it is true for you.
Release your limiting beliefs and express the real, raw power of financial deserve to see what that version of yourself looks like...and that’s what this training is all about. 

Each week you'll do the reading and exercises on your own before we reconvene.

You’ll learn to love the results of the trainings!

Once you get over the initial psychological blocks, you can really start to enjoy the power that comes with taking the steps to achieve financial freedom and the results that come with it.

The Infinitely Abundant Entrepreneur is the definitive course for business owners and leaders to go from overwhelmed, and under-informed to building real wealth with easy-to-follow and proven strategies, and find their footing on the path to financial freedom and becoming financially sovereign.


All the know-how, skills and support you need to start building your portfolio--and empire--purposefully, eliminate money madness and step up to the more you know you deserve.


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It's 6 or 12 months from now...

You feel confident in your numbers, you are certain you have the tools and skills to ace your business finances all while paying yourself first. What would that life look like? If you knew that you had a plan--and were executing it--to create financial freedom for yourself--what would that do for you?

Imagine it's a year from now. Your business, whose finances you have mastered, is thriving. You're closer to achieving financial freedom than you've ever been. How does that feel? Imagine a scene where you're at a dinner celebrating your financial success with friends and loved ones. What do you taste? What do you smell? What are you seeing? What do you hear around you and from others?

Wealth training is a lot like working out—you'll lock the habits and patterns of financial literacy into your muscle memory. Plus you also get other important benefits like feeling more confident, secure and in control.

And that’s just the start of what this program can offer...


  • Imagine being able to master your money, making investment decisions with confidence.
  • Imagine staying centered and present when faced with financial challenges.
  • Imagine the feeling of knowing that the money is there when you need it.
  • Imagine being able to consistently get the resources you need for your business.
  • Imagine confidently opening your books to your banker asking for growth capital, or to share with a potential investor.

Forget the promise of instant riches; if it were that easy, everyone would be doing it.

I’m not promising that you're going to make that one perfect stock pick, or shilling some obscure asset with the promise of 1,000x returns.

Not at all.


I’m going to teach you the mindset and habits that will allow you to consistently build wealth and tap into the infinitely abundant entrepreneur already within you.


And if you put in the time...and do the exercises and the trainings…

You will be able to achieve financial freedom and create the lifestyle and business you've always desired--something almost everyone dreams of, but that few people ever do.

The Course Breakdown

—AKA Your Roadmap to Financial Freedom

This 14 module course contains more than 30 transformative practices and foundational trainings...

Drawn from the greatest financial literacy teachings and wisdom, plus years of experience as an entrepreneur...

All simplified into easy-to-learn video and audio exercises to help transform you into a financially free entrepreneur.



Pay Yourself First:

Your ability to do this one thing consistently, more so than anything else, will determine whether or not you achieve financial freedom.

Emergency Planning:

How to be as prepared as possible for the unexpected. A How to plan for financial emergencies.

Goal Setting:

Get clear on your goals for financial freedom.

Your Magic Number:

Uncover the number you need to reach financial freedom.

Time, Money, Leverage:

What to do, what to delegate, why it matters. Make the highest leverage changes in your business.

Get A Longer Lever:

We begin to implement the leverage plan to get you making and keeping more money.

Accounting, Basic Financials & the P & L:

All you need to know to confidently run your numbers now, and to project for the future. 

Cash Flow & other Reports:

It's not enough to know the money is coming in. How to track where it's going.

The Personal Income Statement:

Learn to easily complete a monthly personal financial statement.

Income Types & Asset Classes:

Passive, portfolio and earned income; and how they fit into your overall plan. A dive into the asset classes to get clear on which might be right for you.

Investing & You:

All about compounding, diversification and implementation.

Discover your temperament as an investor and the strategies that might work for you. 

Asset Allocation & Protection:

Putting together a well-rounded portfolio based upon your investor profile.

Impact Planning:

Some call it retirement - with entrepreneurs, it's usually more of an impact period. How to plan for your post-work future.

Your 12 Month Plan:

Setting yourself up for success on an annual basis with financial planning.


You'll get all these tools...

  • An easy-to-use monthly personal financial statement to track your progress and make sure you always know where you stand financially.
  • The important spreadsheets you need to run your business: profit and loss statement, cashflow, balance sheet & more.
  • Customized emergency, annual and retirement plans
  • Worksheets that will help you get clear on your goals, what financial freedom means to you, what your blocks are, and how to remove them.
  • Guided meditations that help you break through the conditioning and mental clutter that has kept you from moving forward.
  • Self-coaching techniques that you can use on your own
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What Makes this Different from Other Trainings...

Seriously, if you just want to learn a handful of financial practices and go on your way, then this is not for you.

If you only want basic investment strategies, this program is not for you.

And if you want to be told what financial freedom is for someone else and spend time trying to make your life fit in their mold this program is also not for you.

Why not just learn from books or some Youtube vids?

I’ve met tons of people that have picked up some techniques from books and random online content. And that can work--a little.

Like any other time you've tried to glean a few tools out of books and videos and then apply them to your life, you might get a few results.

Yet we all know if you're serious about making massive and lasting change, you make an investment—and get expert guidance and education.

This program is for you if you really want to apply yourself to nailing financial freedom and never going back.

You could definitely read the 100+ books I have on this topic, take more than a dozen seminars, and piece together ideas from online content.

This is a comprehensive system to grow you into a state of financial mastery.

This is a complete system with everything set up for you and put together step-by-step so you can learn at your own pace--as well as get plenty of support.

Plus you get audio and video trainings with real-time guidance that allows you to understand each practice and grasp it fully.

If you apply these practices and make them part of your daily life, financial freedom will truly be within your reach.

You're guided through each stage so you can get the trainings, practices, habits and mindsets that you need to see the results you desire.

This program is for you if you really want to apply yourself to nailing financial freedom and never going back.

You could definitely read the 100+ books I have on this topic, take more than a dozen seminars, and piece together ideas from online content.

This is a comprehensive system to grow you into a state of financial mastery.

This is a complete system with everything set up for you and put together step-by-step so you can learn at your own pace--as well as get plenty of support.

Plus you get audio and video trainings with real-time guidance that allows you to understand each practice and grasp it fully.

If you apply these practices and make them part of your daily life, financial freedom will truly be within your reach.

You're guided through each stage so you can get the trainings, practices, habits and mindsets that you need to see the results you desire.

Why would you want financial freedom?


Every one is different in why they want to experience financial mastery and freedom... But some of the desires that I come across again and again are:

  • I want to be free to work when and if I choose
  • I want know that I'm set for retirement
  • I want to spend more time with family
  • I want to give back more to my community and causes I care about
  • I want to know my family is taken care of if anything should happen to me
  • I want to be able to do what I want, when I want to
  • I want to build a business that lasts
  • I want to leave a legacy

You can address all of these and many more through becoming financially literate.

But one of the traps is that because this can create such massive change, it also comes with fear and resistance.

Just like going to the gym...or launching a new business...or asking for a raise…

Upleveling your life in any way can bring uncomfortable feelings.

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The same exact thing is true for financial mastery.


It’s totally normal to feel afraid, or skeptical, or resistant. Those feelings basically come with the territory of change.

And they are especially strong when it comes to working with something as core as finances.

If you are willing to feel them and choose to train anyways...the results go way beyond just financial benefits...they can literally affect your whole outlook on life.

So, I’m just saying that it’s normal to feel fear or doubt.

Just like anything else, if you sense there is something worthwhile for you on the other side, you just go for it.

Some people will put off financial literacy for a lifetime.

And others will do what it takes to really discover what’s on offer by making financial training a regular part of their life.

What You’ll Master In This Course


You’ll Master Paying Yourself First

This is the key to becoming financially free. Most people make the mistake of paying everyone and everything first, and keeping what--if anything--is left over. Acting by the guiding principle "a portion of all I earn is mine to keep", you'll build financial freedom faster, no matter what happens in the market and to your business.

You’ll Master Your Personal Financial Statement

This will allow you to have an accurate snapshot, at any moment, of where you are financially: including knowing how much you bring in, how much you spend, and what you're spending it on. Being conscious of how you are using your money is one of the first steps towards becoming financially free.

You’ll Master Goal Setting

Most people feel some-kinda-way about goal setting; yet the simple fact remains that people with clear, concise and written goals are far and away more successful than those without. You'll learn to set goals in a way that feels empowering, setting you up for success, rather than dooming yourself to failure and disappointment.

You’ll Master Simple and Effective Investment Strategies

Investing doesn't have to be difficult. In fact, some of the most effective strategies for building wealth are also the simplest. Through learning these techniques you'll be able to build your nest egg without having to become an investment expert.

You’ll Master Knowing Your Numbers

This is one of the areas where most entrepreneurs struggle--and one whose understanding is key to business success. Unless you've received similar business finance training, it's almost certain nobody ever showed you how to accurately complete a P&L. Learn how to accurately use these tools and you'll be far and away ahead of most business owners.


Lifetime Access

Your access to the course and resources NEVER expire. You're able to use the resources as often and for as long as you need.

AND... as we add future updates - you will get those too!  That's can continue growing, up-leveling and learning with us as long as you desire.

Too many coaches just teach you the content you go...good luck! Not here: you have everything included at your disposal anytime you require them!


Members-Only Community

We have a private online community for our clients where you can ask and answer questions, and connect with others. 

Plus you'll get one follow up call a month after the course ends so we can track your progress and help with anything you might be bumping up against.

Your access to the course and resources NEVER expire. You're able to use the resources as often and for as long as you need.


Accountability Challenge

One of the biggest issues that most people struggle with isn't knowing what to do or how--but actually bringing themselves to do it. 

Think of personal training for example: most people don't necessarily need someone to show them how to perform specific exercises, they require someone to keep them accountable and make sure they're doing what they said they would.

Our accountability challenge is a fun way to encourage you to keep up with the course, and a chance for you to win a fabulous prize!

Why I Created this Course

I'm a firm believer in being the teacher you wish you had.

Like most people, I received pretty much zero in the way of financial literacy training or business finances.

Looking back...if I had known then what I know now, my business journey, and my entire life would have been radically different.

It would have eliminated so many mistakes, so much unnecessary trial and error, and plenty of needless suffering and hardship.
I'm an entrepreneur through and through, so I know what your business means to you, and how challenging it is to watch it not grow into its full potential. I also know what it's like to be in the statistical trash bin.


"What do we got here Jimmy?"

"Another one of those failed small businesses. Throw it on the pile with the rest."

I created this course because I want to see entrepreneurs like you take control of your business and personal finances, grow a thriving business and create financial freedom for yourself.

It’s got all the essential training that you’ll need to develop your financial skills.

It will also push you beyond your comfort zone to become the most free, empowered, abundant, and authentic version of yourself.

So...if you could create more ease, more pleasure, more fun, more freedom and more money in your business while creating financial freedom for yourself, support for your family, your community, and a long-lasting legacy to the world... why wouldn't you?


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We reward action-takers! The investment to transform your finances is $3,997 but we are offering several of you insane bonuses!

Be the 1st person to register and save $3,748!

Only 1 spot is available at the rate of $249 for the entire 15 week group program. Once it's gone, you will no longer see this option.

Pay Only $249 Now!

Be the 2nd person to register and save $3,499!

Only 1 spot is available at the rate of $498 for the entire 15 week group program. Once it's gone, you will no longer see this option.

Pay Only $498 Now!

Be the 3rd or 4th person to register and save $3,001!

Only 2 spots are available at the rate of $996 for the entire 15 week group program. Once it's gone, you will no longer see this option.

Pay Only $996 Now!

We've opened up 3 spots for you to save $2,347!

Only 3 spots are available at the rate of $1,650 for the entire 15 week group program. Once it's gone, you will no longer see this option.

Pay Only $1,650 Now!









Don't delay, the absolute last day to register is Friday, September 27, 2024 11:55pmEDT